W01: Dependable Multi-Core Computing (DMCC 2013)
W02: Optimization Issues in Energy Efficient Distributed Systems (OPTIM 2013)
W03: Exploitation of Hardware Accelerators (WEHA 2013)
W04: Multiprocessor Systems on (Programmable) Chips (MPSoC 2013)
W04: High Performance Interconnection Networks (HPIN 2013)
W05: High Performance Platform Management (HPPM 2013)
W06: New Algorithms and Programming Models for the Manycore Era (APMM 2013)
W07: Modeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer and Autonomic Systems (MOSPAS 2013)
W08: Parallel Satisfiability Solving: SAT and beyond SAT, Parallel Solving on New Architectures (WPSS 13)
W09: Autonomic and High Performance Computing (AHPC 2013)
W10: Security and High Performance Computing Systems (SHPCS 2013)
W11: Security and Performance in Cloud Computing (SPCLOUD 2013)
W12: High-Performance and Distributed Computing for Financial Applications (HPDFA 2013)
W13: Parallel Evolutionary Computation (PEC 2013)
W14: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and Applications (MLPRA 2013)
W15: Sensor Networks Theory and Applications for Environmental Issues (SeNTApE 2013)
W16: HPC Systems for Biomedical, Bioinformatics, and Life Sciences (BILIS 2013)
W17: High Performance Computing and Collaborative Networking for Real Time Agricultural Applications (AgrApps2013)
W18: Dynamic Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip (DRNoC 2013)
W19: Fusion Distributed Applications (WFDA 2013)
W20: Workshop on European Union Research Opportunities – Bid (EURO-BW 2013)
W21: Workshop on Cellular Automata Algorithms & Architectures (CAAA 2013)
W22: Workshop on Location-based Services and Applications in Ubiquitous Computing (LSAUC 2013)