Workshop 11-SPCLOUD

Third International Workshop on

Security and Performance in Cloud Computing

(SPCLOUD 2013)


As part of

The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2013) or

July 1 – July 5, 2013

Helsinki, Finland

Extended Submission Deadline: March 28, 2013

Submissions could be for full papers, short papers, poster papers, or posters


Cloud computing systems open a new perspective on almost every aspect of computing. Some security issues raised by cloud computing are alleviated by virtualization but the performance overheads should be balanced against this advantage. Dynamic scalability or “elasticity” will help generalize high-performance computing and very large data sets in applications. But the actual gains in performance depend heavily on the predictability of physical and virtualized resources. Consequently, the balancing of performance against security and the adaptation of HPC or VLDB techniques to cloud computing are of strategic importance and will have long-lasting scientific impact.

The third SPCLOUD workshop will bring together researchers and IT practitioners to present new results and ongoing work on the themes of security and performance in the cloud.

The Workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

    • Reliability and Security of Cloud Environments

    • Monitoring for Cloud-Based Applications

    • Cryptography and Crypto-Protocols for Cloud Computing Systems

    • Parallel Computing With Cloud-Based Systems

    • Very Large Databases In The Cloud: Transactions, Backup, Security, Scalability

    • Security and Virtualization

    • Risk Management in Cloud Computing Environments

    • Usability and Human Centered Security for Clouds

    • Trusted Data Sharing and Shared Technology Issues

    • Untrusted Cloud Servers and Networks

    • Privacy Protection in Cloud Platforms and Operations

    • Autonomic Security in Cloud Computing

    • Intercloud Security Issues and Considerations

    • Insecure Interfaces and APIs

    • Insiders Threats

    • Security Models for New Services

    • Services Hijacking

    • Interoperable Identity Management

    • Information Hiding in Cloud Computing

    • Forensics in the Clouds

    • Cloud Infrastructure Security

    • Use of Cloud Systems for Scalable High-performance Computing

    • Performance Overhead of Virtualization

    • Monitoring of Cloud Systems, Alerts for Resource Consumption

SPCLOUD welcomes submission of papers describing:

    • Experimental work to measure existing systems and applications

    • Industrial experience relevant to the Workshop’s themes

    • Theoretical work on specific new models

    • Software and hardware platforms from the angle of security and performance

    • Short papers describing ongoing work.

Submitted papers should highlight their application or relevance for cloud computing.


You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on above and other topics related to security and performance issues in cloud computing. Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Submission should include a cover page with authors' names, affiliation addresses, fax numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses. Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author and include up to 6 keywords from the above list of topics and an abstract of no more than 400 words. The full manuscript should be at most 8 pages using the two-column IEEE format. Additional pages will be charged additional fee. Short papers (up to 4 pages), poster papers and posters (please refer to for the posters submission details) will also be accepted for submission. In case of multiple authors, an indication of which author(s) is responsible for correspondence must be indicated. Please include page numbers on all submissions to make it easier for reviewers to provide helpful comments.

Submit a PDF copy of your full manuscript via email to the Workshop organizers at and Acknowledgement will be sent within 48 hours of submission.

Only PDF files will be accepted. Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, contributions, technical clarity and presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the workshop.

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Instructions for final manuscript format and requirements will be posted on the HPCS 2013 web site. It is our intent to have the proceedings formally published in hard and soft copies and be available at the time of the conference. The proceedings is to be published as ISBN proceedings by the IEEE and will be available online through IEEE Digital Library and indexed by major indexing services accordingly (e.g., EI indexing).

If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop, please contact the workshop organizers.


Paper Submissions: -------------------------------- March 28, 2013

Acceptance Notification: ---------------------------- April 11, 2013

Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due: ------------ April 25, 2013

Conference Dates: -------------------------------- July 1-5, 2013


Luca Spalazzi

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione

Università Politecnica delle Marche

Via Brecce Bianche

I-60131 Ancona, ITALY, EU

Phone: +39 071 2204829

Fax: +39 071 2204474


Luca Viganò

Dipartimento di Informatica

Università di Verona

Strada Le Grazie 15

I-37134 Verona, ITALY, EU

Phone: +39 045 802-7070

Fax: +39 045 802-7068


International Program Committee*:

All submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by the workshop technical program committee members following similar criteria used in HPCS 2013.

For information or questions about Conference's paper submission, tutorials, posters, workshops, special sessions, exhibits, demos, panels and forums organization, doctoral colloquium, and any other information about the conference location, registration, paper formatting, etc., please consult the Conference’s web site at URL: or or contact one of the Conference's organizers.